How to Become Published

How to Get Published in For The Defense

If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration, first contact PACDL staff ( to discuss the topic and its treatment.  Our aim is to provide all authors with an efficient, courteous and constructive editorial process. To achieve its required level of quality, For the Defense is highly selective in the manuscripts that it publishes. Below are some of PACDL's guidelines if you are interested in submitting a manuscript to the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers for review and publication.
Briefly, to be considered for publication in For the Defense, any given manuscript must offer well-written, factual, up-to-date content that is of interest to our readers and written to inform, educate or in a meaningful way have a positive impact on criminal defense law and practice. An author’s manuscript cannot be a reprint from another publication and must also satisfy the following criteria:

1. originality;
2. innovation and thought leadership;
3. high importance to researchers, practitioners or legal theorists; and
4. significant and practical insight into criminal law issues and concerns. 

Manuscripts should particularly focus on the practical implications for practitioners so that PACDL members can perform at their highest levels when representing their clients that includes legal citations to it remains a strong resource. PACDL invites manuscripts and reports on original research and comments on case law, procedural rules, statutes, and other issues that are of sufficient quality and interest to our members. Original manuscripts that have not been previously published are preferred. 

Authors do not have to know a member of the editorial board to submit a manuscript for consideration. An author who makes a pre-submission inquiry can anticipate a response normally within one week. A response may take longer if consultation between members of the Editorial Board is required. If you are invited to submit your manuscript, we will do our best to provide an expeditious initial assessment of the complete manuscript for suitability. 


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