Scholarship Policy

Scholarships and Tuition Discounts

The Association strives to be a leader in the continued growth and excellence of Pennsylvania's criminal defense legal profession. It promotes justice for all by advancing the quality and skills of criminal defense lawyers. 

To meet the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania's Continuing Legal Education Board's rules for accreditation, PACDL offers reduced tuition fees and partial scholarships for most accredited seminars. These scholarships are available on a confidential basis to attorneys with limited financial means to meet up to one half of the current Pennsylvania CLE requirement.

A completed seminar registration and a letter requesting a scholarship must be sent to PACDL no later than 30 days before the date of the CLE program that the applicant seeks to attend. The letter shall detail the reasons for the scholarship based on financial hardship and the individual's eligibility.  A copy of our scholarship and tuition policy is available to determine your eligibility.  Scholarship requests must be submitted to