The Board of Directors exercises the oversight and management of the Association's risk management needs and strategic direction. The Board desires to create a governance structure that is comprised of directors with a diverse mix of skills, experience, expertise, and perspectives. It seeks to ensure that fresh perspectives are provided and that experience, continuity, and stability exist on the Board. The Board of Directors has outlined general board responsibilities for the board overall and individual board member responsibilities that include personal giving expectations and time and energy commitments.
Annually, the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers seeks nominations to the Board of Directors. Applicants interested in serving should submit a letter of interest that details their service to the Association, their leadership experience and their qualifications to pacdl@pacdl.org between November 1 and December 31. Each year, the Board Governance Committee reviews those nominations and prepares a slate of officers that is considered by the members at their Annual Membership Meeting. Board members elected at the Annual Membership Meeting serve for a three-year term.
Annually, the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers seeks nominations to the Board of Directors. Applicants interested in serving should submit a letter of interest that details their service to the Association, their leadership experience and their qualifications to pacdl@pacdl.org between November 1 and December 31. Each year, the Board Governance Committee reviews those nominations and prepares a slate of officers that is considered by the members at their Annual Membership Meeting. Board members elected at the Annual Membership Meeting serve for a three-year term.
Any member qualified to vote may be nominated as a candidate for any Officer or Board of Director position. A member may be nominated by one of three means: a) by the Board Governance Committee; b) any member of the Association qualified to vote may nominate by petition any other Member qualified to hold office; or c) any member qualified to vote may nominate by petition himself or herself.
The Board Governance Committee is charged with recruiting and nominating candidates for election as Directors and Officers of the Association. It will nominate qualified candidates, endeavor to assure diversity, and consider candidates’ years of membership and service to the Association and the profession.
The Board Governance Committee will consider candidates and announce it slate of officers and directors in March. If you are interested in seeking an officer or a position on the Board of Directors, please contact our office for further information. After the announcement of the slate of officers, individuals seeking to nominate his/herself or nominate another individual must submit a petition containing at least 20 PACDL member names and should contact the office for the submission deadline. A nomination petition can be found here.
Wana Saadzoi, President